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The European Innovation Council

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The European Innovation Council (EIC) is a new EU initiative, to provide direct funding to disruptive and breakthrough market-creating innovation. Ocean energy is most certainly disruptive and market-creating, so OEE wants the sector to get the maximum possible funding from EIC’s new opportunities.

There will be significant funding opportunities available – €2bn has been set aside for the EIC in 2019-2020, and a further €10bn is planned from 2021 onwards.

European Commission officials Dr. Matthijs Soede (DG RTD) and Walter Van de Velde (DG CONNECT) will present the EIC, highlight some of the upcoming calls, and take any questions the sector might have.

27.06.19 European Innovation Council (pilot)

The European Innovation Council is a new ‘one stop shop’ for DG RTD innovation funding. It will act as an ‘umbrella’ program for various H2020 related instruments such as the SME instrument, Fast Track to Innovation or the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) instrument.

28.02.19 New €10bn Innovation Fund for demo projects

The Fund is designed to support innovative renewable energy generation and is extra flexible for smaller-scale projects. Large upfront capital grants are available and grants can be blended with other financial instruments.