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EUSEW 2020 Side Event – New horizons: Europe driving ocean energy development around the world

Europe has been a pioneer in the development of ocean energy technologies. The vast majority of capacity is installed in Europe and most projects around the globe use European technology. However, the rest of the world is catching up, as Canada, the US and China develop their own markets and new domestic champions begin to emerge.

Now is the time to act to make the most of Europe’s first-mover advantage, both at home and abroad. This webinar aimed to concretely address this issue by providing useful examples and feedback to policy makers and other stakeholders.

ETIP Ocean also released its new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda during this webinar.

Make your voice heard on the new Offshore Renewables Strategy

Please use the password OFFSHORRENSTRAT20 to watch the video.

The European Commission just announced that it will create a new Strategy for Offshore Renewable Energy in 2020.

The Commission will set a development pathway for the sector up until 2050 and announce a series of concrete actions.

This is a great opportunity for the sector to raise its profile, excite national governments, and secure additional European support for the next 5 years.

Join us to hear about the new Strategy, and to share your views on how it can help propel ocean energy to industrial roll-out!

19.09.19 €2.3m available for wave and tidal environmental monitoring

Following the recommendations of the Ocean Energy Forum’s Strategic Roadmap, the European Commission is launching a 2nd call for proposals to fund environmental data collection and monitoring activities around deployed wave and/or tidal energy devices. The budget for the call is €2.3m.

The European Innovation Council

Please use the password OEEMEMBER0719-EIC to watch the video.

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is a new EU initiative, to provide direct funding to disruptive and breakthrough market-creating innovation. Ocean energy is most certainly disruptive and market-creating, so OEE wants the sector to get the maximum possible funding from EIC’s new opportunities.

There will be significant funding opportunities available – €2bn has been set aside for the EIC in 2019-2020, and a further €10bn is planned from 2021 onwards.

European Commission officials Dr. Matthijs Soede (DG RTD) and Walter Van de Velde (DG CONNECT) will present the EIC, highlight some of the upcoming calls, and take any questions the sector might have.

27.06.19 European Innovation Council (pilot)

The European Innovation Council is a new ‘one stop shop’ for DG RTD innovation funding. It will act as an ‘umbrella’ program for various H2020 related instruments such as the SME instrument, Fast Track to Innovation or the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) instrument.