EPP Group and RED III Rapporteur push for 45% renewables target and better energy diversity

The renewable energy share target in the revised EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) should be raised to 45%, and should include more diverse sources, say the European Parliament’s EPP Group and Markus Pieper MEP, the directive’s Rapporteur. Dr Pieper’s report introduces an incentive for governments to invest in innovative renewable energy technologies, such as ocean energy, via a new sub-target.
Ocean Energy Europe applauds this announcement, and calls on MEPs and Member States to adopt these new targets in their entirety – to give Europe greater energy independence and accelerate decarbonisation.
At least 5% of Europe’s new renewable energy capacity should come from innovative renewable energy sources between 2025 and 2035, according to the report. This single action, the Pieper report continues, will “safeguard Europe’s industrial competitiveness” in renewables and make a vital contribution towards reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
The current situation in Ukraine, and the energy crisis of the past few months have thrown into sharp relief the need to diversify our energy mix. New market-pull mechanisms for the next generation of renewables will enable Europe to replicate the global market domination witnessed in e.g. offshore wind.
Technologies such as ocean energy, geothermal, floating wind and next-generation PV technologies will:
> accelerate and secure the decarbonisation of Europe’s power supply;
> balance a grid with a very high penetration of variable generation; and
> create high-value jobs and contribute to Europe’s technological and industrial leadership in the green economy.
Rémi Gruet, CEO of Ocean Energy Europe, said: “Now is the time to act. Quickly ramping up and diversifying our renewable energy portfolio will enable Europe to end its dependency on fossil gas and lower energy bills. I strongly encourage policy makers to adopt both a minimum 45% RES target and the innovative RES objective.”