OEE Updates
Published : 15/04/2022
Joint letter ‘To REPowerEU we must REPower Cleantech’
For the medium and longer-term, the clean technologies that are already proven at demonstration scale must be replicated, so that they can begin to compete on the market with existing technologies by 2025. These include renewable hydrogen producti…More -
Published : 10/03/2022
Ocean energy bounces back with increased investment and installations in 2021
Ocean energy deployments are back to pre-pandemic levels, with Europe installing over ten times as much tidal energy capacity and three times as much wave energy compared to 2020. Investment interest in the sector also rose, with a slew of…More -
Published : 04/03/2022
EPP Group and RED III Rapporteur push for 45% renewables target and better energy diversity
The renewable energy share target in the revised EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) should be raised to 45%, and should include more diverse sources, say the European Parliament’s EPP Group and Markus Pieper MEP, the directive’s Rapporteu…More -
Published : 25/01/2022
Submit your abstract for ICOE – OEE 2022!
The call for abstract submissions for ICOE-OEE 2022 is now OPEN! Submit your abstract online via ourMore -
Published : 14/12/2021
Job vacancy: Membership, Marketing & Sales Manager (maternity cover)
Ocean Energy Europe is looking for a Membership, Marketing & Sales Manager to join its Events & Communications team. Please note that this is a temporary position to cover maternity leave for 9 months. Th…More -
Published : 07/12/2021
Jochen Weilepp receives Ocean Energy Europe’s Vi Maris industry award
Jochen Weilepp of the University of Applied Sciences Biberach, is the winner of this year’s Vi Maris Award. The announcement of this prestigious industry award took place during the OEE2021 Conference & Exhi…More -
Published : 07/12/2021
EuropeWave’s successful projects unveiled
On the occasion of the OEE2021 event, the EuropeWave project has announced the successful tenderers in its in…More -
Published : 06/12/2021
Joint ICOE-OEE event to bring huge value for ocean energy sector in 2022
Brussels, 6 December 2021 The Basque Energy Cluster and Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) are teaming up to deliver a joint event on ocean energy in 2022. The unique event, ICOE-OEE 2022, will gather ocean energy …More -
Published : 25/11/2021
Ocean Energy Europe applauds UK’s vote of confidence in tidal stream
Ocean Energy Europe applauds the UK government’s decision to ringfence £20m (€23.7m) per year for tidal stream energy in its…More -
Published : 26/10/2021
Europe must diversify its renewable energy supply to avoid future shocks
Reacting to the conclusions of the extraordinary Energy Council, the heads of 7 renewable energy associations call upon Europe to prioritise the diversification of renewable energy supply as a matter of urgency. A wider range of renewables…More