Industry news
Published : 26/09/2022
Wales strengthens Basque Country ties with Gold sponsorship of ICOE-OEE 2022
Wales is joining the ICOE-OEE 2022 event in Donostia - San Sebastian as a Gold sponsor, reinforcing both its commitment to ocean energy and its longstanding collaboration with the Basque Country. The Welsh Government is hosting a group of innovati…More -
Published : 26/09/2022
Tidal energy momentum builds with the latest re-deployment at MeyGen site
SIMEC Atlantis Energy (SAE) is pleased to announce the latest turbine re-deployment at its MeyGen site. The successful re-deployment of the 1.5MW turbine is another critical step in returning the Phase 1 array to full power and demonstrating tidal…More -
Published : 22/09/2022
CorPower Ocean, Maersk Supply Service and Dieseko install first commercial-scale UMACK anchor
CorPower Ocean, Maersk Supply Service and Dieseko have successfully installed the first commercial-scale UMACK anchor to support the HiWave-5 demonstration project. The novel anchor has been installed 4km off the coast of Aguçadour…More -
Published : 22/09/2022
Five wave energy projects to continue to next phase of EuropeWave
Following the competitive Phase 1 of EuropeWave’s Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) programme, five wave energy proj…More -
Published : 07/09/2022
Minesto starts commissioning of second “Dragon 4” tidal energy power plant
The second Dragon Class tidal energy power plant “Dragon 4” has now arrived at Minesto’s grid-connected site in Vestmanna, Faroe Islands. This power plant commissioning has now commenced, and it will greatly benefit from previous configurati…More -
Published : 05/09/2022
Sigma Energy deploys full scale WEC prototype
After two and half years of intensive development, Sigma energija d.o.o. (Sigma Energy) is proud to announce the successful deployment of the full-scale Sigma WEC prototype offshore Bar in Montenegro. The 30-kW device was deployed in mid-July and …More -
Published : 05/09/2022
CalWave successfully concludes historic wave energy pilot in California
CalWave (“CalWave Power Technologies, Inc.”), a leader in wave energy development, has successfully concluded its open-ocean wave energy pilot after 10 months of continuous operation off the coast of San Diego. The project, which deployed in S…More -
Published : 24/08/2022
CorPower Ocean’s C4 Wave Energy Converter completes dry test program
CorPower Ocean’s first commercial scale C4 Wave Energy Converter (WEC) has completed a rigorous one-year on-land testing program, following a final ‘Ironman’ endurance exercise. The dry test campaign was performed on a purpose-built …More -
Published : 16/08/2022
Bombora completes tank testing of a floating hybrid energy platform
As part of the EuropeWave Programme, Bombora Wave Power (Bombora) has successfully completed tank testing of a floating foundation system suitable for the InSPIRE solution, where mWave technology is combined with a wind turbine onto a single float…More -
Published : 16/08/2022
Hann-Ocean Energy officially established in Zhoushan
On December 12, 2020, the Climate Ambition Summit was held in Beijing by video, and General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed at the meeting that "By 2030, China's non-fossil energy will account for about 25% of primary energy consumption, and the tot…More