Industry news
Published : 14/06/2021
Mocean Energy Blue X wave machine starts sea trials at EMEC
The prospect of generating clean energy from waves moved a step closer as Mocean Energy commenced testing of their Blue X wave energy prototype at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney. In the last few days the 20-metre long, …More -
Published : 04/06/2021
Ocean DEMO opens 4th call, be part of our success
The EU-funded Ocean DEMO project 4th call opens on 4 June 2021. Successful applicants will receive free access to test their ocean energy products and services in real sea environments at the project’s network of test centres. This new call will…More -
Published : 01/06/2021
Seabased will install utility scale wave park in Brittany
In the race to commercialize wave energy, the Brittany region in France may plant a flag as home to Europe’s first utility scale commercial wave energy park. With the support of the region, Seabased, a wave energy company led by French CEO Laure…More -
Published : 25/05/2021
SIMEC Atlantis Energy tidal power generation facility in Japan has passed the pre-use inspections test
SAE is pleased to announce that its tidal power generation facility in Naru Island, Japan, has passed the Japanese government’s pre-use inspection tests. The site, which features the AR500 tidal turbine, is now recognised as an official power g…More -
Published : 19/05/2021
Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre and Orbital Marine Power join forces to harness tidal power off the Isle of Wight
Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC) has signed a pivotal agreement with Orbital Marine Power, Ltd. (Orbital), developers of the world’s most powerful tidal turbine, the Orbital O2, to bring the Isle of Wight a step closer to producing tidal ene…More -
Published : 19/05/2021
Marine Power Systems set sights on pre-commercial multi-Megawatt array at EMEC
Marine Power Systems have signed a berth option agreement with the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney, Scotland. The option agreement gives Marine Power Systems first refusal to a berth at EMEC’s grid-connected revenue genera…More -
Published : 14/05/2021
Mocean Energy Blue X wave machine arrives in Orkney prior to sea trials at EMEC
Mocean Energy’s Blue X wave energy prototype was today unloaded at Hatston Pier, Kirkwall, Orkney in advance of sea trials which will take place this summer. The 20-metre long, 38-tonne wave machine has been fabricated wholly in Scotland…More -
Published : 12/05/2021
3D modeling helps optimize the power output from Seabased’s generators
The beauty of 3D modeling is that you can see what’s happening on the inside of a complex system, as well as on the outside. 3D, hydrodynamic CFD modeling offers a good way to understand in precise detail how a linear generator responds to a buo…More -
Published : 12/05/2021
Marine Power Systems to deploy commercial megawatt scale device at BiMEP
Marine Power Systems have confirmed that Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP), in the Basque Country (Northern Spain), has been chosen for the deployment of a grid-connected commercial megawatt scale device. The site offers ideal deep water testi…More -
Published : 11/05/2021
EMEC delivers world first international PPA to Verdant Power
During the 39-day test period, over tides, Verdant Power’s turbines performed with over 99% availability and generated 187 kW at 2.5 m/s peak flood tide velocity. The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) has completed an independent po…More