Industry news
Published : 22/03/2022
SIMEC Atlantis Energy successfully re-deploys world’s most powerful tidal turbine
SIMEC Atlantis Energy (SAE) is pleased to announce the successful re-deployment of its AR1500, 1.5MW turbine, at its MeyGen site. The turbine has been out of the water for upgrade and maintenance work. It is now back generating green, predictable …More -
Published : 03/03/2022
Resen Waves launches investment call
Resen Waves is seeking investors to develop its small-scale commercial 300W to 3kW Smart Power Buoys and attract new international opportunities. Smart Power Buoys provide autonomous power in the sea and instant data communication with ins…More -
Published : 02/03/2022
Wave firm Mocean Energy lands €873k new funding to accelerate commercialisation plans
Wave power specialists Mocean Energy have secured major new investment to accelerate the commercial roll-out of their ground-breaking wave energy technology. The Edinburgh firm has raised €873,000 equity funding from existing funders, le…More -
Published : 16/02/2022
Nova Innovation wins seabed lease to help drive Shetland’s clean energy future
Global tidal energy pioneers Nova Innovation (Nova) plan to develop their largest tidal energy array to date at Yell Sound in Shetland and boost decarbonisation of the local energy supply. Nova has been awarded an Option Agreement from Cro…More -
Published : 02/02/2022
CorPower to begin ‘Ironman Tests’ ahead of ocean deployment
CorPower Ocean’s first commercial scale Wave Energy Converter (WEC) is set to undergo an intensive ‘Ironman Test’ proving performance and survivability ahead of ocean deployment. The next-generation C4 WEC will experience two weeks…More -
Published : 02/02/2022
Wavepiston starts installation of power generation and desalination units
In mid-December 2021 the power generation and desalination units were transported and placed on the PLOCAN platform. Following that, Wavepiston is working with dedication to connect all relevant piping, so that the units in 2022 can receive pressuriz…More -
Published : 31/01/2022
SIMEC Atlantis Energy completes EASME pitch system project
SIMEC Atlantis Energy (SAE), together with its partner Asturfeito, is pleased to announce the successful completion of the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) tidal turbine pitch system developme…More -
Published : 27/01/2022
Sabella and Nova Innovation celebrate tidal success in Wales
Tidal energy leaders SABELLA and Nova Innovation are celebrating after securing a 12MW berth at one of the world’s largest tidal energy sites off the coast of Holy Island, Anglesey in Wales. Morlais is the first project win for SABELL…More -
Published : 26/01/2022
US DOE Announces €22 Million for Cutting-Edge Wave Energy Research
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $25 million in funding to support increased research, development, and demonstration of technologies that harness wave power to create electricity. The funding supports eight projects that will m…More -
Published : 22/12/2021
Pioneering UMACK anchor completes on-land trials paving way for full-scale production and ocean demonstration
A pioneering marine anchor solution has successfully completed on-land trials validating the technology and sealing approval for full-scale production and ocean deployment. The UMACK (Universal Mooring, Anchor & Connectivity Kit) Proje…More