Joint PR: ITRE takes bold and necessary action to support innovative renewable energy technology

The renewable energy sector calls on EU Member States to support the creation of an installation target for innovative renewable energy in the Renewable Energy Directive.
Sky-high energy prices underlining Europe’s dependence from imported fossil sources and another summer of extreme weather have highlighted the need to speed up the transformation of our energy system towards one fully based on renewables. Scaling up next- generation renewable technologies and bringing them to market quickly will be essential in providing Europe and the world with clean, affordable energy.
Today’s vote on the Renewable Energy Directive by the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) is important in putting forward:
- a new indicative target for innovative renewables set at 5% of all renewable energy capacity installed between the entry into force of the revision to the Directive and 2030;
- National Energy and Climate Plans as the vehicle for Member States to set out the policies that will deliver innovative renewables;
- an increase in the ambition of the EU’s overall renewable energy target to 45% of gross final consumption of energy by 2030 and a higher target for the increase of RES use in the industrial sector combined with an emphasis on Heating and Cooling Purchase Agreements.
This move has widespread support. The industry and research actors signing below welcome the European Parliament’s initiative and call on Member States to back these ideas during inter- institutional negotiations in the autumn.
Dr Rainer Janssen, President of The Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres (EUREC) said, “Europe is a world leader in research and innovation in several key renewable energy technologies. This new target will translate into support for the manufacturing of high-performance technology and provide fresh opportunities for renewable energy research centres to help companies develop new products.”
Rémi Gruet, CEO of Ocean Energy Europe said, “This innovation sub-target can be Europe’s bridge over the ‘Valley of Death’. It will allow new renewable energy technologies to scale up in the market and will ensure Europe remains at the frontier of renewable energy innovation.”
Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe said, “The delivery of the EU Solar Strategy, and EU energy independence, will be supported by the continent’s competitive manufacturing edge in innovative PV technology. A 45% renewable energy target – or higher – is a key opportunity to support the great reset of EU solar manufacturing that will bring jobs, growth, and security.”
Dr. Martin Bursik, President of EREF underlined: “We needed this clear push by ITRE. EREF hopes that the upcoming negotiations between Parliament and Council will not water down the achieved compromises. The independent power producers need clarity form Europe to increase their renewable portfolio to have, clear enforcement on national level.”
Diego Pavia, CEO of EIT InnoEnergy added “Europe is ready to industrialize and deploy at scale innovative renewable energy technologies. Innovative wave and tidal energy technologies deliver close to baseload power, which complements perfectly PV and wind to supply 24/7 renewable energy to industry.”
Pedro Dias, Secretary General of Solar Heat Europe said, “Heat represents half of the energy demand in Europe and the decarbonisation of heat needs to be at the top of EU efforts to address both the climate and the energy security crisis. We need to quickly deploy existing technologies while developing new options, such as new solutions for solar heat for industrial processes or for compact or seasonal thermal energy storage.”