The Swedish Ambassador for the Ocean visits Minesto’s tidal energy site in the Faroe Islands

In conjunction with a Nordic ocean conference, Swedish Ambassador for the Ocean, Anna Lindstedt, paid a visit to Minesto’s grid-connected tidal energy site in Vestmanna. The visit aimed to highlight how predictable tidal energy can be an important part of the future energy mix, and how Swedish innovation is at the forefront of ocean energy technology.
Together with Catarina Hedar, Unit Manager at Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and Carl Rosén, Director at Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Swedish Ambassador for the Ocean, Anna Lindstedt, visited Minesto’s tidal energy site in Vestmanna. The delegation was welcomed by Minesto’s team onsite and had the opportunity to check out the “Dragon 4” power plant.
“As Ambassador for the Ocean, I have an important task to protect the world’s oceans and promote sustainable use of the ocean. Undeniably, the ocean is suffering from the effects of climate change, but it can also be a part of the solution to climate change. This particularly applies to green energy, where we have the possibility to generate as much as forty times more energy from the ocean than we do today. Therefore, it’s very positive that Sweden can contribute with world-leading ocean energy technology with global potential,” says Anna Lindstedt.
”We are very pleased to have the ability to welcome a broad spectrum of stakeholders to our established site in Vestmanna, and the interest from Swedish governmental officials brings an important commercial value for us in approaching new markets,” says Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto.
”I am delighted to see how Minesto supports the Faroe Islands in reaching their policy goal of becoming fossil-free by 2030. It’s a great showcase of Nordic collaboration,” concludes Anna Lindstedt.