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Scottish Renewables Marine Conference 2018

wave energy scotland - corpower 11

Event overview

Date : 26/09/2018

Location : Edinburgh Scotland

Scotland’s position at the forefront of marine energy development is well deserved, but with technologies continuing to struggle to reach their full commercial potential, is our global lead at risk?

Designed to feed in industry priorities to the Scottish Government’s Marine Energy Group, this conference will bring together key industry players to assess risks and opportunities facing the sector over the next 12 months.

Join us to examine market mechanisms and business models to reach commercialisation, discover how marine energy can deliver for remote economies, and consider how to maximise innovation and cost reduction in early stage deployment scenarios.

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Key questions the event will answer:

Which revenue models will succeed in commercialising our industry?
Is the CfD right for the marine sector?
What are the innovative business models which will help create a sustainable future for the sector?
How can wave and tidal energy build productive places and capture more of the economic benefit from our seas?
How can marine energy support the blue economy?
How can we maximise the export opportunities in marine energy?

Who should attend?

Scottish Renewables’ Marine Conference 2018 is a must-attend for those involved in the wave and tidal energy sectors in Scotland. The event attracts technology and project developers, policy makers, regulators, investors, advisers and many more from across the UK and beyond.

Edinburgh Scotland
