FORESEA Drinks Reception @ ICOE2018

Since its launch, FORESEA has increased real-sea testing activity in the ocean energy sector. Ten projects have hit the water at European test centres with FORESEA support, with more to come in the next 18 months. To mark this success, a drinks reception will be held at ICOE2018 on Wednesday 13 June at 17:00 at the Pays de la Loire Pavilion.
Toasts from:
- Rémi Gruet, CEO, Ocean Energy Europe
- Thomas Soulard, Project Manager, Centrale Nantes
- Andrew Scott, CEO, Scotrenewables Tidal Power
FORESEA is an €11m project which helps to bring offshore renewable energy technologies to market by providing free access through tailored support packages to a world-leading network of test centres: EMEC (UK), SEM-REV (France), SmartBay (Ireland) and the Dutch Marine Energy Centre (Netherlands). Access is awarded through a series of competitive calls for application.