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Strong support for innovative renewables must continue into next stage of RED III negotiations

Ocean Energy Europe welcomes the European Parliament’s vote for a dedicated sub-target for innovative renewables in the new EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III). The next stage of the negotiations with the Council must now lock in this new target and deliver the energy future that Europe deserves. 

Donagh Cagney, Policy Director at Ocean Energy Europe, commented “This target creates a strong ‘market pull’ for innovative technologies, and keeps Europe competitive at a global level. It future-proofs the Directive – securing the renewables innovation needed not only for 2030, but also to hit our 2040 and 2050 targets – all the way to net zero.” 

The sub-target means that by 2030, 5% of all new renewable energy capacity installed in the EU should come from innovative renewable energy sources, including ocean energy. Adopted on Wednesday by an overwhelming cross-party majority, together with the broader 45% renewables target, this is a vital step forward for clean, affordable and ‘homegrown’ energy sources.  

The Parliament’s lead on the new Directive, Markus Pieper MEP, said “Only the expansion of renewable energy means true independence.” 

Joint Letter: Yes to 45% – or higher – Renewable Energy by 2030 For our people, security, prosperity, and climate

The IPCC warns that we are entering code red for humanity: more than 1.5 °C warming is inevitable unless we make deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions immediately. Pressure on European fossil supplies following the Russian invasion of Ukraine tells us what we already know – renewable energy is security and fossil fuel dependency is vulnerability. Consumption of Russian fossil fuels directly funds the invasion, while gas-driven energy price hikes overwhelm European citizens. This exceptional backdrop compels us to urgently reshape national and European energy policies.

Accelerated renewable deployment is critical to our independence from Russian fossil energy and will protect our citizens and economies from rapidly rising energy prices.

We must act now to speed up the renewable energy transition. Securing a European-wide 45% renewable energy target for 2030 – or higher – in REDIII negotiations is paramount to ensure that European citizens and businesses have access to clean, secure, and affordable energy.

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Ocean energy can makes waves in the renewable energy sector

Our Policy Director Donagh Cagney explains why ocean energy is well-placed to be as successful as wind and solar in Europe’s renewables market on Innovation News Network.

As temperatures in Europe rise even faster than expected, the effects of climate change are getting very real. Coupled with skyrocketing energy prices that stem from an overreliance on fossil fuels, it is clearer than ever that Europe’s future depends on its transition to a 100% renewable energy system.

We need to act now to reach that goal, by developing a range of innovative renewable energy sources to complement the already well-established wind and solar sectors. One of those innovations is ocean energy – the next big thing in energy. The oceans are the world’s largest untapped source of power. Ocean energy technologies harness the power of tides and waves, as well as differences in temperature and salinity, to produce electricity.

Ocean energy is clean, renewable and has the potential to provide 10% of Europe’s current electricity needs by 2050. That is enough to power 94 million households every year. In addition, a strong ocean energy industry will yield many economic benefits for Europe, from local jobs to global export opportunities.

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How cleantech innovation will boost the Repowering of the EU

Ocean Energy Europe signed a joint letter supporting the objectives of the REPowerEU Plan to phase out Europe’s dependency on fossil fuels faster and increase investments in climate innovation to deliver energy savings, diversification of energy supplies, and an accelerated roll-out of renewable energy.

However, we believe that bolder action can be made, and specifically that concrete strategies should be put in place to accelerate the deployment of the clean technologies we need to enable a renewable-heavy energy mix. Long-duration energy storage, innovative renewables and smart grid technologies in particular need clear and binding targets.

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REPowerEU offers new innovation opportunities for renewables

Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) welcomes the European Commission’s REPowerEU initiative, which at its heart has a massive and accelerated roll-out of renewables. The Commission recognises that this is Europe’s only path to escape fossil fuel dependency and to rapidly decarbonise.

Much of REPowerEU focuses on important steps to speed up permitting processes. A new law will recognise renewable energy as ‘an overriding public interest’. And renewable projects can be fast-tracked in new ‘Go To’ areas.

But REPowerEU also recognises that Europe must remain a global leader in renewable energy technology – and this is backed up with new funding later this year.

The text confirms that the Innovation Fund’s large-scale call this autumn will have a doubled budget of circa €3bn and 3 separate funding windows.

Renewable activities are particularly suited to 2 of these windows – which focus on ‘innovative clean tech manufacturing’ and ‘mid-sized pilot projects for validating, testing and optimising highly innovative solutions’.

Waves of energy to complement offshore wind in the North Sea: A Joint Statement on the North Sea Summit & Esbjerg Declaration

The outcome of The North Sea Summit gathering the heads of the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and the European Commission is a decisive and historic step. It paves the way for green energy production amongst the democracies sharing the marine space of the North Sea.

We encourage both the Danish and Dutch governments and parliaments to also integrate wave energy in the energy strategy for the North Sea region by setting both national and regional deployment targets. Targets will accelerate and streamline the integration of wave energy into the offshore renewables mix.

Wave energy is a central part of Europe and the North Sea region’s future renewable energy system. The EU’s Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy includes a 40 GW target for ocean energy and highlights the North Sea as a renewable energy hotspot. And adding wave energy aligns well with the vision for the North Sea Marine Spatial Plan and can count on stakeholder support from other sea space users.

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Pan-renewables Innovation Fund joint letter to Executive Vice-President Timmermans

The Innovation Fund is the EU’s most impactful tool to drive clean energy innovation. But its award criteria put renewable projects at a structural disadvantage.

This is contrary to the original policy intent. And it undermines the REPowerEU objective of substituting fossil fuels with renewables.

We therefore call upon the Commission to:

1. Dedicate the 3rd call large-scale calls to renewable energy categories only – to restore confidence in the Fund within these sectors and correct for earlier calls

2. Adjust the rules of future calls so renewable energy projects may compete

3. Create calls for intermediate-sized projects – with capital expenditure of between €7.5m and circa €60m

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Joint letter ‘To REPowerEU we must REPower Cleantech’

For the medium and longer-term, the clean technologies that are already proven at demonstration scale must be replicated, so that they can begin to compete on the market with existing technologies by 2025. These include renewable hydrogen production and its transport infrastructure, deep industrial decarbonisation for cement, steel and chemicals, new forms of renewable power such as floating offshore wind and ocean energy supported by long-duration energy storage and deep improvements to the electricity grid to handle intermittency.

Read the full letter

Ocean energy bounces back with increased investment and installations in 2021

Ocean energy deployments are back to pre-pandemic levels, with Europe installing over ten times as much tidal energy capacity and three times as much wave energy compared to 2020. Investment interest in the sector also rose, with a slew of announcements by large industrial players and public authorities. Statistics published today by Ocean Energy Europe show that ocean energy is back on track, despite Covid-19 restrictions still affecting activity last year.

Both the wave and tidal energy sectors installed significantly more capacity in 2021 than the previous year, adding 1.39 MW and 3.12 MW respectively worldwide. While Europe still dominates global tidal stream activity, more and more wave capacity is being installed outside Europe, often driven by significant government support.

An increase in private investment and the entrance of important industrial players into the sector reflect the growing appeal of ocean energy to investors, power producers and manufacturers. In 2021, the sector signed deals with GE Renewable Energy, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K-Line), Chubu Electric Power, TechnipFMC and Schneider Electric. Governments in the UK, Italy, Spain and the USA also committed significant new funding to ocean energy and innovative renewables.