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Ocean Energy Europe welcomes Jochen Weilepp as co-President

12 April 2019. Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) has elected Dr. Jochen Weilepp, representing Sustainable Marine Energy, as co-President of the association. Dr. Weilepp will join Simon De Pietro of DP Energy, who has been OEE co-President since 2016.


Dr. Weilepp has been a valuable member of the OEE board for almost a decade and has been active in the ocean energy sector for 15 years. He currently represents tidal turbine technology developers Sustainable Marine Energy (SME) and Schottel Hydro, and advises wave developer Nemos.


Dr Weilepp is also Professor for Energy Management at the University of Applied Sciences Biberach, Germany, and has extensive experience with a range of ocean energy technologies. From 2005 until 2012, as CEO of Voith Hydro Ocean Current Technologies, he oversaw projects in wave, tidal and salinity gradient.


Dr. Weilepp commented:

 “It is a great honour to be elected OEE co-President at this crucial stage for the sector. Over the past 15 years, I have seen ocean energy technologies go from strength to strength, with numerous projects now producing clean, predictable electricity across Europe. I am looking forward to working with the OEE team as they engage with both national governments and the incoming European Parliament and Commission.


 I believe that with Simon’s experience as a project developer and my own background working with device manufacturers, we are in a strong position to lead the sector forward to commercialisation.”


Simon de Pietro, Managing Director of DP Energy and OEE co-President added:

“I am delighted to share the OEE Presidency with Jochen, who has a wealth of experience in ocean energy. These are exciting times for the sector, and I am confident that together with the OEE board, we can steer the industry through this period where energy production is going up and costs are coming down.”


For more information, please contact:

Amy Parsons

Communications and Events Director, Ocean Energy Europe +32 2 400 1043


About Ocean Energy Europe

Ocean Energy Europe is the largest network of ocean energy professionals in the world. Over 120 organisations, including Europe’s leading utilities, industrialists and research institutes, trust Ocean Energy Europe to represent the interests of Europe’s ocean energy sector.

Ocean Energy Europe’s objective is to create a strong environment for the development of ocean energy, improve access to funding and enhance business opportunities for its members. To achieve this, it engages with the European Commission, Council, Parliament, European Investment Bank, and national ministries on all dossiers affecting the sector, such energy, climate, finance, grid and consenting.

Press Release: 12.8M€ awarded to demonstrate ocean energy farms

21 January 2019. The new Interreg NWE project Ocean DEMO has been officially launched today. It provides funding to developers of marine renewable technologies to test their products or services in real sea environments. Ocean DEMO specifically targets multi-machine ocean energy installations. This will allow developers to move closer to market by demonstrating their technologies at full commercial scale. Ocean DEMO will release a first call for applications this year and devices will be installed from 2020 to 2022.

The transition from single machine to pilot farm scale is critical for the future of the ocean energy sector. Scaling up to multi-device farms will improve the competitiveness of the technology by bringing down costs across the supply chain. This transition comes with higher capital requirements and investors require a proven business case before they get further involved.

Ocean DEMO will ease the transition towards pilot farms by providing free access to Europe’s world leading network of open sea test centres:

  • EMEC – European Marine Energy Centre, UK – Project leader
  • DMEC – Dutch Marine Energy Centre, Netherlands
  • Centrale Nantes/SEM-REV, France
  • SmartBay – Marine and Renewable Energy Test Site, Ireland

Ocean DEMO follows on from the highly successful FORESEA project, which provides free access to open sea test centres for single machine testing. FORESEA has helped prove the tremendous potential of ocean energy, with 19 technologies deployed and more to come this year. Examples like Orbital Marine Power, who generated over 3 GWh of electricity in a year, proved that the technology works and can be part of a renewable energy mix in Europe.

Industry group Ocean Energy Europe will channel the project’s achievements and learnings to its international network of ocean energy professionals, ensuring broad dissemination across the sector.

Oliver Wragg, Commercial Director at EMEC, said:
“We’re delighted to be able to continue the work we started with FORESEA. We were able to demonstrate a wide range of technologies throughout the ocean energy supply chain thanks to Interreg’s support and the efforts of all the project partners.

“With Ocean DEMO, we will be able to scale up technologies to pilot farm scale. This will reduce technical risks, minimise environmental impacts and improve the economic competitiveness of ocean energy production. We’re looking forward to collaborating with ocean energy innovators across Europe and help them get machines in the water.”

Rémi Gruet, CEO of Ocean Energy Europe, said:
“We are very happy about Interreg’s steady support for ocean energy development in Europe. The ocean energy industry can provide jobs to 400.000 Europeans as well as 10% of Europe’s electricity by 2050. Ocean DEMO will be another significant step towards those objectives. Multi-device demonstration will strengthen the technology’s business case and attract investors, which will in turn allow the industry to scale up and bring down costs.

“A revenue support system, feed-in tariff, Contract for Difference or similar, is the only thing we’re missing to unlock the full potential of ocean energy in Europe. It is now up to Member States to create the right conditions for this industry to thrive.”

For further information:
Victor Kempf, FORESEA Communications Manager
Ocean Energy Europe
+32 2400 1042

Lisa MacKenzie, Marketing & Communications Officer
+44 1856 852207

About Ocean DEMO

Ocean DEMO will drive innovation across the ocean energy supply chain and scale technologies up to multi-machine readiness by providing free access to Europe’s world-leading network of test centres.

To boost market uptake and verify the potential of ocean energy to investors, Ocean DEMO will run a competitive voucher scheme supporting technology development through a combined transnational offering across NWE test infrastructures.

It is funded by the Interreg North West Europe programme, part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


The FORESEA project helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) test ocean energy technology in real sea conditions and prove power can be economically generated from the ocean, by providing free access to North-West Europe’s world-leading network of test centres.

It is funded by the Interreg North West Europe programme, part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).