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Supply-chain and local industry

This year’s OEE2024 conference programme will focus on the role the supply-chain and local industry will play in the road to commercialisation. A clear pipeline of deployments for the next five years, supported by both national and European public funding, is triggering investments from the private sector. Those deployments will draw on an existing local industry and supply-chain, for which Ocean Energy is becoming a new market opportunities and source of diversification.

Monday 04/11/2024

Exclusive OEE Members Event
| Side Event

Exclusive OEE Members Event


Join the OEE secretariat for this exclusive members’ only event before OEE2024. We’ll hear discuss funding prospects, tips & tricks from previous winners and evaluators, as well as provide dedicated time to answer all your burning questions about the different funds available. Full event details coming soon!

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5k Run
| Side Event

5k Run

Our traditional pre-conference run, more details soon!

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Welcome Reception
| Side Event

Welcome Reception

Join the Ocean Energy Europe team for a welcome drink the evening before the official start of the conference!

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Tuesday 05/11/2024

Flagship projects – Watts in the water
| Plenary

Flagship projects – Watts in the water

One of our programme mainstays, the Flagship session showcases year after year what projects have hit the water. Check our 2024’s edition!

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Surging Supply Chain – New momentum for European industrial leadership
| Plenary

Surging Supply Chain – New momentum for European industrial leadership

A “made in Europe” ocean energy supply chain is a strategic imperative. Discover how the sector is creating market opportunities for the engineering and maritime industries while boosting Europe’s competitiveness.

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Ocean energy and European regions – A partnership for growth
| Plenary

Ocean energy and European regions – A partnership for growth

European regions are long time supporters of ocean energy development, and in turn the industrialisation of the sector creates new local jobs and markets. In this session, regional actors will present what they’re doing for ocean energy and discuss what ocean energy can do for them.

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ETIP Ocean side event
| Side Event

ETIP Ocean side event

This joint ETIP Ocean and OES-Environmental workshop will present the latest results of environmental research on ocean energy. Join the discussion about the next research priorities as the sector moves towards larger farms.

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EuropeWave: Ready for testing and deployment
| Side Event

EuropeWave: Ready for testing and deployment

This side event will feature the Phase 3 projects showcasing their current project work and sharing lessons learned during the final phase of the EuropeWave programme. An open-floor discussion will focus on the next steps to reaching wave commercialisation and the ideal support mechanisms to help the wave sector.

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International markets – Unlocking market opportunities beyond Europe
| Plenary

International markets – Unlocking market opportunities beyond Europe

Market opportunities are growing thanks to blooming policy support worldwide. This session will explore how markets beyond Europe are playing their cards right to make the best use of their ocean energy resources. Speakers will take stock of the latest market progress in their regions and identify required policy support to scale up the technology.

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Debate: Surface or seabed? The best place for your substation
| Parallel

Debate: Surface or seabed? The best place for your substation

As the ocean energy sector moves towards larger arrays, using individual export cables from every device to shore is no longer cost-effective. Substations will be needed to optimise power export. But what is the best solution for your substation: on the surface or submerged? In this debate, current array developers argue for their preferred option.

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Testing the waters – Finding the right test site
| Parallel

Testing the waters – Finding the right test site

Choosing a test site for real-sea demonstration is a crucial decision in device development. This session will take you on a tour of test sites in five different countries. Join the session to find out which test site is the perfect home for your device. 

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Debate: Drivetrain Decisions – To Gear or Not to Gear?
| Plenary

Debate: Drivetrain Decisions – To Gear or Not to Gear?

The choice of drivetrain technology is a critical decision for optimising performance and cost-efficiency of tidal devices. Should tidal turbines use a direct drivetrain, bypassing the gearbox for simplicity and reliability, or opt for an indirect drivetrain with a gearbox to optimise speed and torque? Find that out in this debate!

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Conference Dinner
| Side Event

Conference Dinner

Join us for drinks and dinner: Network with your peers and colleaguescatch-up with old friends and make new connections! 

Set in the beautiful Aspects Restaurant of the Aviemore Resort, this year’s dinner will feature drinks, delicious fresh food and fun activities in a relaxed atmosphere

Please note that the conference dinner is a ticketed event. If you have already registered for OEE2024, you can request to add the dinner by emailing here

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Wednesday 06/11/2024

Off-grid applications – Alternative markets and route to utility-scale grid
| Plenary

Off-grid applications – Alternative markets and route to utility-scale grid

For some, off-grid applications represent alternative markets with different business models. For others, they are a springboard towards main grid market. Explore the newest off-grid applications with leading players in the field, and discover future opportunities from powering remote communities to decarbonising offshore activities.

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Debate: Seal the deal – Wet vs dry-mate connectors
| Parallel

Debate: Seal the deal – Wet vs dry-mate connectors

Reliable and efficient connectors are crucial for the deployment and maintenance of ocean energy devices. The choice between wet-mate and dry-mate connectors can significantly impact the operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness of projects. Join this debate to hear experts make their case for the best solution, and help chart the course for the future of ocean energy connections.

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The financing booster – Unlocking private investments with the insurance fund
| Parallel

The financing booster – Unlocking private investments with the insurance fund

As more and more farms are about to hit the waters, leveraging the power of de-risking instruments to mitigate technical risks is a major priority for the sector. Join the conversation with experts and industry players to find out how to unlock the wave of private investments required to boost pilot farm financing.

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Wave showcase – From the tank to the ocean
| Plenary

Wave showcase – From the tank to the ocean

The wave energy world is expanding rapidly, more and more innovative prototypes are being developed and tested, while some developers are planning to deploy the first wave farms in the world. Join us to meet the wave developers that are building the industry, and learn more about their technology and the challenges they faced at various stages of their development.

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Tidal showcase – Getting next generation farms ready
| Plenary

Tidal showcase – Getting next generation farms ready

Tidal is moving to the next generation of farms. Developers will present the progress of their latest array projects and technological improvements.

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Funding ocean energy R&I
| Parallel

Funding ocean energy R&I

This session presents an array of national and regional funding schemes available for ocean energy R&I. Get a high-level overview of the most interesting opportunities as well as the key points if you consider applying.

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Captains Conclusions – Steering the ocean energy course
| Plenary

Captains Conclusions – Steering the ocean energy course

With elections in Europe and America, this high-level session takes stock of the bigger picture. How does ocean energy fit into the new European Commission’s priorities? What does the result of the US Presidential Election mean for the industry—in Europe and abroad?

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MARINERG-i Project: Shaping the Future of Offshore Renewable Energy Testing in Europe
| Side Event

MARINERG-i Project: Shaping the Future of Offshore Renewable Energy Testing in Europe

MARINERG-i aims to create an integrated European Distribute Research Infrastructure (DRI) in Europe, for delivering Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) technologies to the market. It will be a long-term, sustainable partnership between the highest quality testing facilitates, providing a coordinated set of services that meet current and future end-user requirements.

Join us at this project launching event to learn more what this future world’s leading distributed infrastructure will offer to the ORE sector.

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Thursday 07/11/2024

Site Visit - FloWave
| Side Event

Site Visit - FloWave

The FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility is a unique wave and current test basin, based at The University of Edinburgh’s King’s Buildings campus.

This tour will demonstrate the facility in operation, and allow visitors to meet the team to learn about FloWave projects from the past, present and future.

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Friday 08/11/2024

Site Visit - EMEC
| Side Event

Site Visit - EMEC

Established in 2003, the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Ltd is the world’s first and leading facility for demonstrating and testing wave and tidal energy converters – technologies that generate electricity by harnessing the power of waves and tidal streams – in the sea.

This site visit will include a visit to the grid-connected Fall of Warness tidal test site and an onshore tour of EMEC’s tidal energy substation, green hydrogen R&D facilities and vanadium flow batteries

More info & registration soon

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