5k Run
Catch up with your ocean energy colleagues while seeing the sights in The Hague and getting your heart rate up!
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OEE2023 – Driving Industry Through Innovation
This year’s OEE2023 conference programme will focus on how Europe can secure an enduring advantage in the global race to net-zero by championing innovative technologies like ocean energy. This year’s sessions will explore what is needed to make sure this strategically-important sector achieves its industrialisation potential.
Europe’s competitiveness and leadership depend on its ability to foster innovation, and ocean energy – indigenous, infinite, and highly predictable – is ready to answer the call! The programme will be available soon – keep an eye on the event website for session topics and speakers.
We are still developing the programme and we will add more information and speakers soon! Timings may change.
Catch up with your ocean energy colleagues while seeing the sights in The Hague and getting your heart rate up!
If you have already registered you can modify your registration to add this event here.
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Join the Ocean Energy Europe team and Dutch Energy from Water Association (EWA) as they welcome you to The Netherlands and the 10th anniversary edition of The Ocean Energy Europe Conference & Exhibition (OEE2023)! This is an excellent opportunity to meet the Dutch sector and other conference participants. Expect live jazz music, drinks, good company, and some special announcements.
Location: Pavlov, Spui 173, Den Haag. 18:00-20:00
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One of our programme mainstays, the Flagship session showcases year after year what projects have hit the water. Check our 2023’s edition!
Chair: Rémi Gruet, CEO, Ocean Energy Europe
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Guillaume Gréau
Head of Business Development | HydroQuest
Oliver Wragg
Commercial Director | Orbital Marine Power
Simon Forrest
CEO | Nova Innovation
Sarah Thomas
Chief Technical Officer | Floating Power Plant
Patrik Möller
CEO | CorPower Ocean
Permitting is a key part of any ocean energy deployment. This session will explain the ins and outs of permitting processes in some of the key ocean energy countries – to help you navigate through the process in the smoothest and fastest way. The session will conclude with participants identifying the best practices and areas of improvement in permitting – to help you get your device in the water as fast as possible.
Chair: Vera Kissler, Policy Officer European Commission (tbc)
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Rebecca Bamlett
Offshore Renewable Energy Projects Consenting Leader | Marine Directorate of the Scottish Government
Marlène Kiersnowski
Director of SEENEOH | OPEN-C Foundation
Dan Hellin
Deputy Director | PacWave
Ocean energy is ready for business. Hear first-hand from investors about what they are looking for and why, and what they’d like to see in the coming years.
Chair: Sonja van Renssen, Editor in Chief, Energy Monitor
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Baptiste Poujol
Marine Energy Project Manager | Qair
Fiona Buckley
Senior Expert & Project Manager | Laborelec
Sara Scagliotti
Head of the Natural Resources, Wind and Marine Energy Research Center | Eni
Roel Van Diepen
Investment Director for the Benelux region | InnoEnergy
Virginijus Sinkevičius has held the position of the European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, since December 2019. Before taking up this post, he was Minister of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania and a Member of the Lithuanian Seimas (Parliament).
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Tidal stream technologies are on the rise, as there are more and more mature turbines and pilot farms in the ocean. This session will shine a light on the latest developments in tidal stream technology. Developers will present their newest project and share their advances regarding device design, materials and cost reduction.
Chair:Simon Cheeseman, Wave & Tidal Energy Sector Specialist, ORE Catapult
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David Collier
Chief Strategy Officer | Minesto
Glenn Smith
Managing Partner | Verdant Power
Alejandro Marques de Magallanes Crespo
CEO | Magallanes Renovables
Richard Parkinson
Managing Director | HydroWing
Stuart Davies
Maarten Berkhout
Director Project Development | Seaqurrent
EuropeWave is an innovative R&D programme for wave energy technology, combining almost €20 million of national, regional and EU funding to drive a competitive Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) programme. The first two phases of the EuropeWave PCP programme have been successfully completed. The next phase – the final phase – Phase 3 will focus on developing the scaled prototypes and testing them in a real operational environment in Scotland or the Basque Country.
This side event will feature the three projects selected to enter the final phase of the programme. These successful developers will showcase their project work, lessons learnt during Phase 2, and highlight their milestones to achieve in order to bring the innovative technologies closer to the commercial stage.
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Kadri Simson is an Estonian politician from the Centre Party, European Commissioner for Energy in the von der Leyen Commission since 1 December 2019. She was previously Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications in Jüri Ratas’ first cabinet from 2016 to 2019.
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Delivering marine energy will require continued cost reduction. This technical session on operations and maintenance will see experts set out examples of challenges and the solutions implemented to address these. The session will conclude with participants setting out the main issues that they see in marine energy playing a key role in future energy systems.
Chair: Jon Lekube Garagarza, Project Manager, BiMEP
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Jason Schofield
Managing Director | Green Marine
Michael Bullock
Director of Post-Loss Advisory | Renewable Risk Advisers
Rupert Raymon
Environmental and Metocean Specialist | Tadek
Steen Thomsen
CTO | Wavepiston
With a ‘reboot’ of the EU Offshore Strategy in the pipeline, it’s time for a critical look at what’s needed for Europe to remain a world leader in ocean energy. This is not just about funding – it’s also about political support, market creation, rewarding ocean energy’s unique value-add and getting all the right stakeholders onboard. The oceans are rising… so are we.
Chair: Kerrie Sheehan, Head of Research & Technology, SEAI
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Torgeir Knutsen
Policy Officer, DG ENER | European Commission
Sue Barr
Director of Marine Energy | Simply Blue Group
Andrew Scott
CEO | Orbital Marine Power
Kristie Dekkers
Investment Manager | InvestNL
Tim Ramsey
Program Manager for Marine Energy | US Department of Energy
Paula Nardone
Associate Programme Officer Technology and Infrastructure Team | IRENA
The session will focus on market opportunities around the world. What is the policy landscape and how is the sector developing in different continents? Panellist will provide their views on what is enabling the deployment of wave and tidal and how barriers could be overcome in the future.
Chair: Valentin Dupont, Policy Officer, Ocean Energy Europe
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Kasia Junyent
Head of Marine Energy | Department of Energy Security
Benjamin Lehner
Drew Blaxland
CEO | Proteus Marine Renewables
Elaine Buck
Technology Manager | US Department of Energy
Jean-Christophe Allo
President | Laminak Energy
Ocean energy devices are deployed in a harsh sea environment with high loads on connection and mooring systems. Tailored solutions need to be developed to increase survivability and reduce costs.
This session will explore different solutions in subhubs, cables and moorings. Participants will be able to join in-depth discussions on these topics in separate breakout groups.
Chair: Giuseppe Giorgi, Research Fellow, Politecnico di Torino
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Tony Lewis
Director | OceanEnergy
Elva Bannon
Research & Engineering Manager | Wave Energy Scotland
Ralf Starzmann
Commercial Director | Schottel Marine Technologies
Arjen Kapteijns, Deputy Mayor of the Hague, will welcome OEE2023 attendees before we have a drink in the Exhibition hall to wind down and network after a busy first day.
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Join us for drinks and dinner: Network with your peers and colleagues, catch-up with old friends and make new connections! The OEE2023 Conference Dinner will be sponsored by DP Energy.
Join us for drinks and an informal dinner in the wonderful and iconic De Pier, in Scheveningen, The Hague.
Please note that the conference dinner is a ticketed event. If you have already registered for OEE2023, you can request to add the dinner by emailing here.
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As ocean energy reaches industrial roll-out, it’s time to start thinking big. Our sector needs to build many machines at the same time, establish competitive new supply chains and make sure the right supporting infrastructure is in the right place. This session will identify the key challenges and see how private and public actors can work together to re-industrialise Europe!
Chair: Yuki Esser, Head of Operations, DMEC
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Audrey MacIver
Director of Energy & Low Carbon | Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Michael Baumann
Global Application Account Manager | SKF
Pauline Caumont
Policy Officer, Sustainable Blue Economy sectors, DG MARE | European Commission
Henry Jeffrey
Professor | University of Edinburgh
ETIP Ocean has started the work to update the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for ocean energy. The SRIA outlines the priority research, development and innovation challenges to encourage the commercialisation of ocean energy technologies. It provides guidance to EU and national funders by presenting concrete research and innovation actions that will allow ocean energy to meet its SET Plan targets.
Over the past months, the ETIP Ocean Technology Working Group has helped prioritise the research, development and innovation topics that will accelerate the development of ocean energy the most in the coming years. This side event will present the work done so far and gather input from the participants with a view to publishing an updated edition of the SRIA in 2024.
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The joint vision of the Wave to Energy and Water consortium is to deliver a world-beating wave powered technology solution – W2EW. It relies on the innovative integration of wave energy and sea water desalination technologies, to produce zero-emission electricity and fresh water, with dynamic optimisation of energy production and maximising the available wave energy using fresh water as storage.
The consortium partners will share the results of the project and announce next steps to mature and commercialise the solution.
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Neil Gray was born and brought up in Orkney and was educated at Kirkwall Grammar School. He graduated from the University of Stirling in 2008 with a first-class Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in politics and journalism. He was elected to represent Airdrie and Shotts Constituency at the 2021 Scottish Parliament election.
He had previously won the Airdrie and Shotts Westminster seat in 2015 and held it on two subsequent occasions before resigning to stand for the same area in the 2021 Scottish Parliament election. Prior to becoming an MP, Mr Gray worked for former Scottish Government Health Secretary Alex Neil MSP as his Airdrie and Shotts constituency office manager.
Neil Gray was appointed Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development in January 2022. In March 2022 he additionally became Minister with special responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine.
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Environmental monitoring will facilitate permitting and ensure that ocean energy is developed in harmony with marine life. Monitoring in harsh sea conditions can be challenging, but bespoke instruments are being developed to get the most accurate data from deployments. This session will present the latest innovations in underwater sound and video monitoring.
Chair: Peter Scheijgrond, Chairman, EWA
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Luana Clementino
Marine Bioacoustics Researcher | WavEC
Osian Roberts
Commercial Lead | Menter Môn
Brendan Cahill
Director of Development | ORPC
Alan Berry
Research Infrastructure Manager | Marine Institute
Naomi Wood
Marine Energy Business Development Coordinator | EMEC
With the Green Deal Industrial Plan, a larger Innovation Fund, recovery funds and more, it’s never been a better time to harness public support to develop and deploy the best ocean energy technologies. But funding applications are a world of their own – and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.
This session is for anyone who wants to help drive forward ocean energy, but who needs public support to make this happen. You’ll be able to sit around the table with and chat directly with representatives from several European and other funding programmes
Chair: Lotta Pirttimaa, Senior Policy Officer, Ocean Energy Europe
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Laurent Probst
Partner, Government Digital Transformation & Innovation leader | BlueInvest
Matthieu Grosjean
Project Adviser Innovation Fund, CINEA | Innovation Fund
Matthijs Soede
Senior Policy Officer, European Commission | Horizon Europe
Johanna Money
Marine Energy Sector Lead, Scottish Enterprise | Clean Energy Transition Partnership
A range of developers from Europe and around the world will present their WECs (Wave Energy Converters) and give an insight into their future plans. This session will be an opportunity to hear about the latest developments in wave energy technology.
Chair: Emer Dennehy, Offshore Programme Manager, Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland
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Andrea Caio
Business Development Manager | Mocean Energy
Fred Garner
Founder | Symphony Wave
Andrew Smith
Founder | Deja Blue Consulting
Geir Arne Solheim
CEO | Havkraft
Jonathan Fievez
CEO | Carnegie Clean Energy
David Volk
Managing Director | Sigma Energy
Marcus Lehmann
CEO | CalWave Power
Lars Wigant
CEO & Partner | Exowave
This workshop will bring together entrepreneurs, corporates, investors, policymakers and stakeholders to discuss the latest market and policy developments, innovations and investment opportunities in the blue renewable energy sector.
Join BlueInvest to:
– Discover high potential blue economy projects and emerging sustainable technologies in the blue renewable energy sector;
– Engage in targeted business matching and identify investment opportunities;
– Discuss pivotal topics to sustainable financing and the transition to a green blue economy.
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In this side event, the latest insights will be shared on multi-use at the North Sea. As one of the busiest seas in the world, making efficient use of space is crucial to balance its various stakeholder needs. The solution is to combine renewable energy sources such as wind, wave and solar with multi-use innovations in multi-source offshore energy parks.
Join Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC) and Campus@Sea to:
– hear all about combining renewables energy sources in offshore energy parks and the EU-SCORES project;
– discover how European offshore test site Campus@Sea in Scheveningen accelerates solutions for multi-use;
– discuss how we can accelerate the adoption and reduce the time to market of nature-inclusive, insurable and bankable multi-use innovations at sea together.
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Sign up for this bus tour with the Dutch Energy From Water Association (EWA) to visit the facilities of prominent players in the Dutch ocean energy sector, including Symphony Wave Power, Slow Mill Wave Energy, RED-stack (Salinity Gradient) , and Fishflow Innovations (tidal turbines).
Starting from the conference venue, Amare, this excursion offers a unique opportunity for networking while enjoying the picturesque Dutch countryside.
Limited places available.
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