ETIP Ocean Workshop

ETIP Ocean R&I Workshop: Design and validation of wave and tidal energy systems
3 December, 11:15 – 12:30 CET
This workshop features best practices and lessons learnt in specific R&I topics for ocean energy development. Three parallel Breakout Sessions will give you the opportunity to share experiences in your area of expertise and identify common research interests – and perhaps find your next R&I project partners! The Breakout Sessions focus on wave energy, tidal stream and tech-neutral reliability.
Join the ETIP Ocean R&I Workshop and discuss all things R&I with other ocean energy professionals.

About ETIP Ocean
ETIP Ocean, the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy, is a recognised advisory body to the European Commission, part of the EU’s main Research and Innovation policy the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). It brings together around 1000 experts from 150 organisations covering the entire European ocean energy sector.
ETIP Ocean’s main objectives are to bring together knowledge and expertise, propose solutions to accelerate the development of the ocean energy sector and set it along the pathway to commercialisation. With its high-quality publications, ETIP Ocean gives concrete recommendations to the industry and European & national policy makers.
Ocean Energy Europe in partnership with the University of Edinburgh, Tecnalia and WavEC Offshore Renewables manage ETIP Ocean. It receives funding from Horizon 2020.