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Crown Estate Scotland

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Crown Estate Scotland is tasked with managing assets that stretch the length and breadth of Scotland, including agricultural and forestry land, most of the seabed, just under half of the foreshore and some commercial property. All our revenue profit goes to Scottish Government.

Scotland has some of the best tidal and wave power resources in the world. We are helping to develop the industry, working closely with companies, government and communities.

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Crown Estate Scotland is working hard to:

  • Bring new development opportunities to market by leasing areas of the seabed and managing the associated seabed rights
  • Fund research and technical studies to support sector growth (e.g. ORJIP Ocean Energy)

Our predecessor organisation, The Crown Estate, invested directly in ground-breaking projects such as the MeyGen tidal power development in the Pentland Firth, the first commercial scale tidal stream array in the world. This £10 million investment is now part of the Crown Estate Scotland portfolio.