
Normandy - Gold Sponsor
With 50% of France’s natural tidal power potential in the Raz Blanchard/Alderney region, Normandy is well-positioned as a leader in the development of ocean energy technologies. Normandy’s established maritime sector is a hub of experience and expertise in offshore operations. Its workforce and infrastructure are perfectly suited to the deployment of renewable energy.

Team Scotland – Gold Sponsor

Seabased - Bronze Sponsor
Seabased is a global leader in wave energy. We design, build, install, and maintain wave-to-grid power parks fueled by ocean waves. Waves are an incredibly predictable renewable, working 24/7, 365 days a year. Wave energy is so abundant, it has the potential to be the largest source of clean energy. That includes CO2-free power for large coastal cities as well as thousands of inhabited islands that now rely on fossil fuel. Our wave energy parks are nearly invisible from the shore. They have no pollutants or blades to hurt living creatures, so they can be used as artificial reefs, increasing biodiversity in sea life.
Tidal Alliance
Tidal Alliance
Tidal Alliance