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Blade design: On the cutting edge

The blades of a tidal turbine determine how much energy is captured from the tides. Different solutions for blade design are under development, all with one goal: to maximise seaworthiness, yield and efficiency while reducing costs and the risk of failure. But does one design fit all? Leading tidal developers discuss/debate the different approaches for blade design in terms of materials, shape, pitching and non-pitching.


Chair: Marlène Moutel, Founder and Deputy CEO,  Laminak Energy

Getting to the FUND-amentals: Meet the Funders

European support opportunities for ocean energy have never been greater. This is your chance to sit down face-to-face with European funders, to better understand the possibilities now and into 2022. You’ll be able to discuss what’s in store for the Innovation Fund Small-Scale call, Horizon Europe, the revamped BlueInvest Fund, the European Innovation Council’s Accelerator programme, and an exciting new opportunity from the Basque Energy Agency.


Chair: Donagh Cagney, Policy Director, Ocean Energy Europe

Technology showcase: OTEC/SWAC

This technology showcase will feature several of the world’s leading developers of OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) and SWAC (Sea Water Air Conditioning). Find out about how these innovative technologies have a massive potential to provide power and heating/cooling, and what the latest advances are in the field.


Chair: Yann-Hervé de Roeck, Executive Director, France Energies Marines

Technology showcase: Wave energy

A range of developers will present their WECs (Wave Energy Converters) and give an insight into their plans for deployment and testing. Several devices have been installed over the past year, and this session will be an opportunity to hear about these projects and how WECs are being made more robust and more cost-efficient.


Chair: Rob Flynn, Commercial Manager, EMEC

Made in Europe: The ocean energy supply chain

Existing ocean energy projects are based on a mostly European supply chain, reaching from coastal regions to landlocked countries. This session will explore the supply chain opportunities that ocean energy creates. The session will also launch the forthcoming ETIP Ocean publication on the socioeconomic impact of ocean energy.


Chair: Lukasz Kolinski, Head of Unit for Renewables & System Integration Policy,  European Commission

The race to 2025: path to 100 MW

This session will provide a glimpse into the future of ocean energy in Europe. OEE will open the scene with key findings from the ‘Target 2025’ ocean energy project pipeline analysis and leading developers will present their upcoming demonstration projects.


Chair: Rémi Collombet, Senior Policy Officer, Ocean Energy Europe

Target 2025: Delivering on the offshore strategy

The European Offshore Strategy has a clear short-term objective for ocean energy: 100MW by 2025. The industry has made clear that this target is achievable … if the right framework is in place. This session assembles political, governmental and industry leaders to articulate how that framework should look.


Chair: Sue Barr, Chair, UK Marine Energy Council

Flagship projects: Watts in the Water

A firm favourite every year, the session will present the most exciting projects to hit the water in 2021, whether because of technology excellence, sheer size, macroeconomic benefits or new markets.


Chair: Rémi Gruet, CEO,  Ocean Energy Europe

IRENA: Presentation of new reports

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will give an introduction to its two new reports, which show that in addition to providing mainstream power generation, a blue economy driven by offshore renewables will bring major benefits to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and coastal communities.

‘Fostering a blue economy: Offshore renewable energy’

‘Innovation outlook: Ocean energy technologies’ 

Francesco La Camera – IRENA Director-General

Francesco La Camera is the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). He was appointed at the Ninth Assembly of IRENA, the ultimate decision-making body of the Agency. Mr. La Camera took office on 4 April 2019 and brings more than thirty years of experience in the fields of climate, sustainability, and international cooperation.