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Collaborative Innovation – New Horizons

The Horizon 2020 OCEANERA-NET COFUND project is now in its fifth year and has successfully implemented two Joint Calls for collaborative, trans-national research, development and demonstration projects to tackle some of the key challenges and opportunities for ocean energy. The 9 projects funded under the Co-funded Joint Call are reaching completion and have exciting results to report, while we have 4 projects ongoing under the second call. This side event will hear from companies on the benefits of collaborative innovation and OCEANERA-NET support, and the results they have achieved.


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Building national support: a pathway to multi-device farms

A supportive policy environment at national level is necessary for the deployment of ocean energy multi-device farms. The Interreg NWE Ocean DEMO project is working actively with national governments in North-Western Europe to create policies that will enable the immense potential of ocean energy.


This side event will bring together national policy experts from France, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom to discuss the current ocean energy policy landscape in their respective countries and how it can be improved in the future.


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OEE Members Only – Future horizons

Join OEE membership for an evening of sharing knowledge, connecting and catching up! This members-only event will give membership an opportunity to hear all about the Horizon Europe funding programme, hear from successful (and not!) grant applicants and re-connect with the OEE secretariat.


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OEE2021 Conference Dinner

Join us for drinks and an informal dinner in this wonderful Halles Saint Géry, built in the characteristic Flemish neorenaissance style. Network with your peers and colleagues, catch-up with old friends and make new connections!


Dinner tickets are not included in the delegate pass price and can be purchased during registration.


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OEE2021 5K Run

Catch up with your ocean energy colleagues while seeing the Brussels sights and getting your heart rate up!

Join us on the eve of OEE2021 for a run throughout Brussels, the heart of Europe. The route will begin and end at the EGG, the OEE2021 venue. The route will take you through Brussels’ historic medieval centre and go through parts of Brussels that tourists usually never see.


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Kadri Simson – European Commissioner for Energy

Kadri Simson is an Estonian politician from the Centre Party, European Commissioner for Energy in the von der Leyen Commission since 1 December 2019. She was previously Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications in Jüri Ratas’ first cabinet from 2016 to 2019.

Technology showcase: Tidal stream

Our annual tidal energy showcase will once again shine a light on the latest developments in tidal stream technology. Developers will present their newest projects, and share the advances they have made when it comes to device design, materials and cost reduction.


Chair: Marlène Kiersnowski, Director of Development, Énergie de la Lune

Under the sea: Monitoring the marine environment

Every project that installs ocean energy devices in real-sea conditions includes monitoring of potential environmental impacts. To date, impacts of single devices have been negligible. As the sector progresses towards pilot farms, developers are making sure that no harm is caused to the marine environment. In this session, speakers will reveal what’s going on under the water at the first tidal stream pilot farms and full-scale wave deployments.


Chair: Xavier Guillou, Team Leader, European Commission

Balancing the energy system with ocean energy

It is now well understood that tidal and wave energy’s core added value is their flexibility. However, saying these technologies bring ‘value to the grid’ is not enough. This session will go beyond the slogans and showcase studies and real-world cases to demonstrate how ocean energy technologies can help balance the electricity grid.


Chair: Andrew Smith, Founder, Deja Blue