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Wave to Energy and Water (W2EW) Project Side Event

The joint vision of the Wave to Energy and Water consortium is to deliver a world-beating wave powered technology solution – W2EW. It relies on the innovative integration of wave energy and sea water desalination technologies, to produce zero-emission electricity and fresh water, with dynamic optimisation of energy production and maximising the available wave energy using fresh water as storage.

The consortium partners will share the results of the project and announce next steps to mature and commercialise the solution.

EuropeWave: On the path to commercialisation

EuropeWave is an innovative R&D programme for wave energy technology, combining almost €20 million of national, regional and EU funding to drive a competitive Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) programme. The first two phases of the EuropeWave PCP programme have been successfully completed. The next phase – the final phase – Phase 3 will focus on developing the scaled prototypes and testing them in a real operational environment in Scotland or the Basque Country.

This side event will feature the three projects selected to enter the final phase of the programme. These successful developers will showcase their project work, lessons learnt during Phase 2, and highlight their milestones to achieve in order to bring the innovative technologies closer to the commercial stage.

ETIP Ocean Side Event

ETIP Ocean has started the work to update the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for ocean energy. The SRIA outlines the priority research, development and innovation challenges to encourage the commercialisation of ocean energy technologies. It provides guidance to EU and national funders by presenting concrete research and innovation actions that will allow ocean energy to meet its SET Plan targets.


Over the past months, the ETIP Ocean Technology Working Group has helped prioritise the research, development and innovation topics that will accelerate the development of ocean energy the most in the coming years. This side event will present the work done so far and gather input from the participants with a view to publishing an updated edition of the SRIA in 2024.

5k Run

Catch up with your ocean energy colleagues while seeing the sights in The Hague and getting your heart rate up!

If you have already registered you can modify your registration to add this event here.

Wave showcase – On the wave to a global market

A range of developers from Europe and around the world will present their WECs (Wave Energy Converters) and give an insight into their future plans. This session will be an opportunity to hear about the latest developments in wave energy technology.


Chair: Emer Dennehy, Offshore Programme Manager, Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland


With the Green Deal Industrial Plan, a larger Innovation Fund, recovery funds and more, it’s never been a better time to harness public support to develop and deploy the best ocean energy technologies. But funding applications are a world of their own – and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.

This session is for anyone who wants to help drive forward ocean energy, but who needs public support to make this happen. You’ll be able to sit around the table with and chat directly with representatives from several European and other funding programmes


Chair: Lotta Pirttimaa, Senior Policy Officer, Ocean Energy Europe

Avoiding Nemo – Innovations in environmental monitoring

Environmental monitoring will facilitate permitting and ensure that ocean energy is developed in harmony with marine life. Monitoring in harsh sea conditions can be challenging, but bespoke instruments are being developed to get the most accurate data from deployments. This session will present the latest innovations in underwater sound and video monitoring.


Chair: Peter Scheijgrond, Chairman, EWA

Industrial Revolution – Scaling up wave & tidal manufacturing

As ocean energy reaches industrial roll-out, it’s time to start thinking big. Our sector needs to build many machines at the same time, establish competitive new supply chains and make sure the right supporting infrastructure is in the right place. This session will identify the key challenges and see how private and public actors can work together to re-industrialise Europe!


Chair: Yuki Esser, Head of Operations, DMEC

Making strong connections – Subhubs, cables and moorings

Ocean energy devices are deployed in a harsh sea environment with high loads on connection and mooring systems. Tailored solutions need to be developed to increase survivability and reduce costs.

This session will explore different solutions in subhubs, cables and moorings. Participants will be able to join in-depth discussions on these topics in separate breakout groups.


Chair: Giuseppe Giorgi, Research Fellow, Politecnico di Torino

Global market, global opportunities

The session will focus on market opportunities around the world. What is the policy landscape and how is the sector developing in different continents? Panellist will provide their views on what is enabling the deployment of wave and tidal and how barriers could be overcome in the future.


Chair: Valentin Dupont, Policy Officer, Ocean Energy Europe