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Exclusive OEE Members Event


Join the OEE secretariat for this exclusive members’ only event before OEE2024. We’ll hear discuss funding prospects, tips & tricks from previous winners and evaluators, as well as provide dedicated time to answer all your burning questions about the different funds available. Full event details coming soon!

Welcome Reception

Join the Ocean Energy Europe team for a welcome drink the evening before the official start of the conference!

5k Run

Our traditional pre-conference run, more details soon!

Wave showcase – From the tank to the ocean

The wave energy world is expanding rapidly, more and more innovative prototypes are being developed and tested, while some developers are planning to deploy the first wave farms in the world. Join us to meet the wave developers that are building the industry, and learn more about their technology and the challenges they faced at various stages of their development.


Chair: Tim Hurst, Managing Director, Wave Energy Scotland

The financing booster – Unlocking private investments with the insurance fund

As more and more farms are about to hit the waters, leveraging the power of de-risking instruments to mitigate technical risks is a major priority for the sector. Join the conversation with experts and industry players to find out how to unlock the wave of private investments required to boost pilot farm financing.


Chair: Jonathan Colby, President, Streamwise Development

Off-grid applications – Alternative markets and route to utility-scale grid

For some, off-grid applications represent alternative markets with different business models. For others, they are a springboard towards main grid market. Explore the newest off-grid applications with leading players in the field, and discover future opportunities from powering remote communities to decarbonising offshore activities.


Chair: Ewa Spiesz, Senior Energy Sustainability Advisor, DMEC

Testing the waters – Finding the right test site

Choosing a test site for real-sea demonstration is a crucial decision in device development. This session will take you on a tour of test sites in five different countries. Join the session to find out which test site is the perfect home for your device. 


Chair: Peter Scheijgrond , Chairman, EWA

Captains Conclusions – Steering the ocean energy course

With elections in Europe and the United States, this high-level session takes stock of the bigger picture. How does ocean energy fit into the new European Commission’s priorities? How does the new government in Westminster view ocean energy? What does the result of the US Presidential Election mean for the industry—in Europe and abroad?


Chair: Rémi Gruet, CEO, Ocean Energy Europe

Funding ocean energy R&I

This session presents an array of national and regional funding schemes available for ocean energy R&I. Get a high-level overview of the most interesting opportunities as well as the key points if you consider applying.


Chair: Lotta Pirttimaa, Senior Policy Officer, Ocean Energy Europe

Ocean energy and European regions – A partnership for growth

European regions are long time supporters of ocean energy development, and in turn the industrialisation of the sector creates new local jobs and markets. In this session, regional actors will present what they’re doing for ocean energy and discuss what ocean energy can do for them.