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Reducing LCOE – Maximising production while minimising CAPEX

This session will focus on how to reduce the LCOE (Levelised Cost of Energy) of ocean energy through technological improvements. Device manufacturers will focus specifically on increasing the yield of their devices and/or reducing CAPEX (capital expenditure). Objective experts will then evaluate the various solutions on offer and provide feedback.


Chair: Matthijs Soede
Policy Officer | DG RTD

Creative tension – combining public and private investment

This is true a ‘public-private partnership’ session, bringing funders and investors together to exchange on this core relationship in the ocean energy sector. Panellists will debate the best ways to bring public and private sector actors together in a project finance context, and swap experiences of what has worked well and what has not.


Chair: Tim Cornelius
Chief Executive Officer | SIMEC Atlantis Energy

From shore to sea: Installing ocean energy

Installing ocean energy needs specific expertise and equipment because of the scale of the devices and challenging deployment conditions. In this session you will hear from the leading vessel and port experts, who will share their experiences to date and consider new ways to get machines into the water.


Chair: Jason Schofield
Managing Director | Green Marine

Local economic impact of ocean energy

As ocean energy develops and supply chains emerge, the sector’s economic significance is becoming increasingly clear. We are starting to better understand how the sector’s economic impact will look when the sector reaches industrial roll-out. This session brings together those tracking this development across Europe, with regional players who can see the progress first-hand.


Chair: Britta Schaffmeister
Director | Dutch Marine Energy Centre

Ocean energy – bringing value to the grid

Highly predictable ocean energy has a crucial role to play as a balancing partner to variable renewables. What value can we put on the complementarity of ocean energy and its flexibility? This session will present ground-breaking initiatives showcasing various ways to integrate ocean energy in the energy system.


Chair: Sara Armstrong
Electrical Development Engineer | DP Energy

Hubs and substations for ocean energy: Enabling future farms

Getting electricity generated offshore into the grid relies on effective subsea hubs, substations and export cables. This panel will look at what has already been done and look at how power export can be optimised in forthcoming offshore farms. Based on the lessons learned from past and current projects, speakers will debate the best design for the ocean energy array of tomorrow.


Chair: Pablo Ruiz-Minguela
Head of Wave Energy | Tecnalia

European ambitions for ocean energy – tools & targets

Europe has big ambitions for ocean energy, and is rolling out the next generation of funding instruments that will help turn these ambitions into reality.

Join this session and take part in direct face-to-face conversation with those who are overseeing Europe’s ocean energy planning and funding.


Video Address by Karmenu Vella
European Commissioner | Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


Intro Presentation by Andreea Strachinescu
Head of Unit | European Commission, DG MARE


Chair: Donagh Cagney
Policy Director | Ocean Energy Europe

Flagship projects: The runners and riders of 2019

Projects are the best way to showcase the successes of the industry and its potential. This opening session features advanced full-scale devices in or close to the water, as well as projects and farms that are shaping the future of the industry.


Chair: Rémi Gruet
CEO | Ocean Energy Europe

Wave energy technology showcase

Wave energy is getting bigger and better, with devices proving that they can survive in extreme sea conditions for years at a time. In a sector with a wide variety of devices and engineering solutions, keeping up with who’s doing what can be a challenge. In this session, you can catch up with leading wave technology developers via rapid-fire presentations on the latest projects from Ireland to Singapore.


Chair: David Hume
Marine Engineer | US Department of Energy