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Wave tech showcase: Innovation at work

Wave energy devices continue to advance, finding innovative ways to exploit one of the world’s richest resources. In this session, we will bring delegates up to speed with a range of rapid-fire presentations, featuring the latest news from the top wave technology developers.


Chair: Jochen Weilepp
OEE Co-President and Board Advisor to Schottel Hydro

Tidal tech showcase: Powering homes

Tidal energy’s generating capacity continues to grow, powering ever more homes and businesses in Europe. This session will highlight leading tidal stream technology developers, who will present their latest achievements and experiences.


Chair: Sue Barr
Chair | Marine Energy Council

Flagship projects: Watts in the Water

Project by project, the ocean energy sector is steadily increasing the number of installed devices. Many of the latest projects have an impact beyond pure electricity production: opening up markets, showcasing what revenue support can deliver, or proving a new device type.


This session will provide an overview of the most exciting projects underway in the sector at the moment, and an insight into the future plans of the ocean energy’s leading developers.


Chair: Rémi Gruet
CEO | Ocean Energy Europe

From the drawing board to real sea testing – engineering wave PTOs

Power Take-Off systems are the most crucial components of wave energy converters. This session presents five different PTO designs and compares technology developers’ experiences with real-sea testing and scale-ups.


Chair: Tim Hurst
Managing Director | Wave Energy Scotland

Ocean energy: Growing in harmony with marine life

Ocean energy helps to protect oceans by fighting against climate change, but its development must not disturb marine wildlife. A growing body of evidence shows that ocean energy has low environmental impact and can even have a positive impact on marine flora and fauna. This session will present the latest research on environmental impacts and discuss the wider ecological importance of ocean energy.


Chair: Felix Leinemann
Head of Unit | European Commission

Size matters? Lessons from scaling up

Moving from a sub-scale to full-scale device is more complex than simply increasing the size; the physical and technical implications need to be carefully considered and assessed. In this session, you will hear concrete examples of lessons learned from scaling up ocean energy devices.


Chair: Fiona Buckley
Senior Expert and Project Manager | ENGIE

Round table: action plan

This final session will feature a panel of high-level experts whom together and based on their areas of expertise will summarise the key findings and conclusions of this three days conference.

This final session will feature a panel of experts whom together and based on their areas of expertise will summarise the key findings and conclusions of this three-day conference.


Moderator: Roland Roesch
IITC Deputy Director | IRENA

Innovative business models and sector coupling

Discusses emerging business models in ocean energy technologies and provides insights on sector coupling with areas like desalination, energy cooling systems and aquaculture.


Moderator: Paul Durrant
Programme Officer – Renewable Energy Innovation | IRENA

Ocean energy uptake: Solutions to technical challenges

Explores multiple pathways that can contribute to accelerate the deployment of ocean energy technologies, such as resource mapping and assessment, environmental impact assessment, risk analysis, international standardisation, technology resiliency, technology readiness, among others.


Moderator: Donagh Cagney
Policy Director | Ocean Energy Europe