OEE Strategy Day 2021

Event overview
Date : 07/04/2021
Time : 14:00 - 17:00
This event is for OEE members only. If you'd like to become a member, please contact Yamila Conill.
Our annual Strategy Day brings together the members to hear about OEE's work but is also a unique opportunity to share, provide input and direction.

The Strategy Day brings the membership together, and this year will feature three sessions:
- Session 1: Which criteria for LCOE calculations? LCOE is a hot topic for investors and policy-makers. The answers can vary, depending on who you ask. This session will focus on the assumptions behind LCOE and the importance of both stardardisation and flexibility.
- Session 2: Comms and Marketing done right – tips and tricks Discover best communication and marketing practices with OEE’s Comms Director, Amy Parsons, Sarah Watt from Orbital Marine and Martin Edlund from Minesto.
- Session 3: Insuring your next project at the right price OEE and Renewable Risk Advisers have teamed up to design an Ocean Energy Insurance Fund. Join us to find out more about the fund’s design and share your own experiences.