Highlands and Islands Entreprise (HIE)
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is an ambitious organisation with a unique remit which integrates economic and community development. We work in a diverse region which extends from Shetland to Argyll, and from the Outer Hebrides to Moray, covering more than half of Scotland’s land mass.
As a Scottish Government agency, HIE’s role is to lead regional growth and development across the Highlands and Islands, supporting the rural economy and improving competitiveness to help build a fairer, more inclusive society.
We want the Highlands and Islands to be a highly successful and competitive region in which increasing numbers of people choose to live, work, study and invest.
More information: www.hie.co.uk
Ocean energy in the Highlands & Islands
2017 was a landmark year in ocean energy. Global installed capacity of wave and tidal stream more than doubled to 25MW from 12MW. The increase of tidal stream deployments to over 17MW last year has been led by Atlantis Resources’ 6MW MeyGen Phase 1A. As of April 2018, total production of Atlantis Resources’ 6MW MeyGen project surpassed 6GWh and continues to make significant strides within this burgeoning sector.
In November, Scotrenewables Tidal Power set a world record with its SR2000 2MW floating tidal turbine, with the unit clocking up over 1GWh in a record time. Nova Innovation’s expanded Shetland Tidal Array project is a flagship initiative for the EU and has been delivered with over 80% Scottish supply chain input – a phenomenal success story.